Beantown Stomp 2025 is full, but we encourage you to join the waitlist. You will be notified by email if you get in off the waitlist.





Cambridge Masonic Hall
1950 Mass Ave Cambridge MA (map)


Beantown Stomp 2025 runs from the evening of Friday March 14th through the afternoon of Sunday March 16th and is followed, in the same hall, by BIDA's 3rd Sunday regular evening dance.

We have two spaces this year:

Main HallUpstairs Room
6:30pmHall opensRoom opens
7:00pmLarry and Julie with Adina❆🎵
9:30pmStove Dragon with Alex
11:00pmDancing ends
11:30pmHall closesRoom closes
9:00amHall opensRoom opens
9:15amFamily dance, led by Adina
+ Acoustic Open Band led by Julie and Sam
10:30amBreak childcare available
10:45amStove Dragon with Adina
12:00pmLunch Song Swap with TBD
1:30pmWorkshop: Dance Musicality and Play,
led by Alex and Adina to Larry and Julie
childcare available Singing Workshop:
Rose and Oliver
3:15pmFlowy Groovy Funky: Larry and Julie with Alex childcare available Tune swap, led by TBD
4:45pmBreak childcare available
5:00pmWaltz and Couple Dancing
with Stove Dragon
childcare available Calling Workshop,
led by Adina and Alex
7:45pmStove Dragon with Adina❆🎵
9:30pmLarry and Julie with Alex
11:00pmDancing ends
11:30pmHall closesRoom closes
9:30amHall opensRoom opens
10:00amOpen Waltzing with Stove Dragon childcare available
11:45amStove Dragon with Alexchildcare availableGuitar workshop, led by Larry and Max
1:30pmMegaband, with Alex and Adina
3:00pmDancing ends
4:00pmHall closes: unless you're staying for cleanup please leave; you can come back at 5pmRoom closes and doesn't reopen (take your stuff!)
5:00pmHall reopens for jamming and hanging out Room closed
6:00pmSinging, led by TBD
7:00pmBeginner lesson for regular evening dance
7:30pmRegular BIDA dance (separate admission)


We want people to be able to come regardless of means, so we're offering a sliding scale of $45-$120.

We're predicting our break-even figure will be about $65/person, and the more you're able to contribute the more we're able to pay our musicians and let others attend below cost.

Any money that the weekend makes above breaking even will be split between BIDA and our musicians and callers.

Unfamiliar with sliding scales? Money is a social construct, right? But also, its effects are very real: we need it to buy food, pay rent, get to dance weekends, pay talented musicians for creating magic that brings us together, etc. etc. So a sliding scale is a way of accommodating different incomes and asking you, the dancers, to take account of what kind of financial situation you're experiencing, and pay accordingly. Here are some examples:

Gender and Roles

All calling will be gender-free, with Larks/Robins terms. The bathrooms will also not be gendered. This event is not gender or role balanced, and anyone is welcome to dance either or both roles.


Housing isn't included, but we expect to set something up to try and help out-of-town dancers match with local dancers who are willing to host.


Public Transit

Public transit is a great way to get to and from the hall, which is at the Porter Square stop on the Red Line Subway, the Fitchburg Line Commuter Rail, and the 77, 83, 87, and 96 buses. For detailed directions and schedules Google Maps works well: Cambridge Masonic Hall.


Friday and Saturday:

The parking lot at the Kennedy School (map) a short walk away is free to use when school is not in session.

Parking meters on Mass Ave or at metered municipal lots in Davis Sq.


All parking meters and residential spaces are free on Sunday.

Please don't park in the big shopping center lot across the street from the hall, because they tow.


See BIDA's general accessibility information; note that the venue is not wheelchair accessible. Unlike BIDA's regular evening dances, this event is low-fragrance.


We'll require proof of a negative covid rapid test taken on Friday. You'll show your test or a photo of it when you check in. Masks will not be required, but are certainly welcome. In line with BIDA's policy, vaccination is also not required. Please don't attend if you're at all sick, with anything! We'll fully refund any cancellations due to illness. Let's have a healthy dance weekend!

Refund Policy

We'll refund you for any reason, if we can fill your place. Refunds will not include Venmo's fee (usually under $2).

If you become symptomatic (of anything!) or test positive for COVID, we will refund you fully—Don't come if you're sick!


Childcare will be available Saturday daytime after the family dance (with the exception of lunch) and all day Sunday. On the schedule these times are marked with childcare available


We will have a limited number of SuperVolunteer roles who get free admission to the weekend in exchange for a larger time commitment. You can sign up for most smaller volunteer roles at check in. More details in the registration form.

Saturday Morning

We'll start Saturday off with a family dance to an open band. While this is included in a weekend registration it's also open to all: you can pay at the door with cash or Venmo ($3 for kids, and $5-$20 for everyone else). As always, the open band is free for musicians, though we're happy to take donations! People attending the family dance are also invited to stay until noon to dance the first set of contras.

If you would like to play in the open band, just bring your instrument. It will be very relaxed - no microphones, no arranging, just playing tunes acoustically. We haven't decided on the tunes for this year, but here are the 2024 tunes so you can get a sense of the kind of tunes we usually do:


This weekend is a project of Boston Intergenerational Dance Advocates.


Please write to us at

Past Stomps